Flockdown Church: Introduction

This is the first installment of a series of audio/visual presentations to highlight material in the book by Steve Maltz, Flockdown Church, to be published in July 2021. This book is a radical solution to envision the Church in the 21st century, founded on Hebraic principles and a throwback to the Biblical principles of the Ekklesia.


  • I would like to be considered for your
    Flockdown Church Zoom meetings.
    This is both for my sister Wilma and myself George.
    Wilma doesn’t use her emails although I have encouraged her to start again.
    I am not 100% sure as to how we can be included in the new set-up.

  • Stephanie Mitchell

    Flockdown Church, a very easy read. Challenging and encouraging. The solution may not be Internet connections for us all but I know the Lord will help each to find our way where we are if we respond and as Steve says ACT. Read in an afternoon and stands reading again!
    With thanks. Stephanie Mitchell

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