Yeshua Adored

25th December 2023

CLICK HERE for the corresponding blog post in Yeshua Explored

Dangerous Truth

MATTHEW 4:13-17, MARK 1:14-15, LUKE 4:16-32, JOHN 4:43-54

Can you imagine how it was? The carpenter’s son had returned to his home town and given the privilege of reading from the sacred scroll in the Synagogue, then preaching from it. The shock for them was that, from the words that left his mouth … he seemed to be preaching about himself!

Sometimes the ‘good news’ can be badly received. In Jesus’ case they tried to throw him off a cliff, such was their anger. We preach an unpopular message. Our culture feeds off uncertainties and division, it has little patience for clarity, for a declaration of a Messiah who is the ONLY solution to the World’s problems. We may not be led to a cliff for preaching such a certainty, but don’t expect thanks from those who are challenged to their core, if they deign to listen to you. Yet this Truth, unlike any of their ‘truths’, is the only thing that can set them free. And, also, expect blessings for making a stand.

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