Yeshua Adored

20th November 2023

CLICK HERE for the corresponding blog post in Yeshua Explored


JOHN 2:1-12

Sometimes familiarity with a story produces a numbness to its impact. The ‘water into wine’ episode is one such event. Think about it. He converted a substance – water – with just two elements (hydrogen and water) into a rich concoction of chemicals, based on ethanol – which has carbon added to the two elements – but with a whole swathe of flavourful additives and imitating a process that, considering the quality of the wine produced, would normally take years! All done in a moment!

This was a true creative miracle that only Jesus could perform. We should not underestimate the power that we tap into when we follow him. We won’t be turning water into wine, but we know a man who can and we should not be backwards in asking him to intervene in our life miraculously.

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