Yeshua Adored

6th November 2023

CLICK HERE for the corresponding blog post in Yeshua Explored


MATTHEW 3:1-11, MARK 1:12-13, LUKE 4:1-13

If Jesus needed a forty day fast to build himself up to his duel with the devil in the desert, then perhaps the point is driven home to us, always be prepared for battle. We may not be called to the same degree of intensity, but we need to be aware when the day has come to stand. Jesus’ whole ministry was built on the foundations of his victory in the desert, so the reward is there for us all to see.

The devil can strike when we least expect and it can be subtle. You may remember the bracelet WWJD that many used to wear, to remind them What Would Jesus Do in any situation? Well, if you apply this principle in reverse and see yourself acting in a contrary manner, then be assured that the enemy is in there somewhere. What would Satan do? Anything that opposes God’s perfect will for your life, even if it’s just stealing paperclips. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)

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