Yeshua Adored

16th October 2023

CLICK HERE for the corresponding blog post in Yeshua Explored


LUKE 2:41-52

Here was a boy destined to have the greatest impact on the world ever, a youth born to be King and Saviour of Mankind. He had just given early signs of his greatness and understanding of his future role, by bamboozling the rabbis in the Temple. Any kid that you and I know would have lived arrogantly in that moment, thinking I’ve just shown up my supposed elders and betters! Yet, not here. He could have even lorded it over his parents, through their lack of understanding. But he didn’t. Instead he returned with them to Nazareth and was obedient to them.

His obedience came from his humility, a character trait all so often missing in today’s society. It is a winsome quality, it speaks of Jesus’ character. It is an attractive trait. Are we humble? Are we obedient to those who God has placed in authority over us? You may think you know better than them, but God knows better than you and expects no less than our obedience to them and to Him.

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