Yeshua Adored
11th September 2023
CLICK HERE for the corresponding blog post in Yeshua Explored
Mary’s triumph
LUKE 1:26-38
Teenage virgin Mary had none of the earthly advantages of her priestly relative, but she scored over him in the only way that really mattered, her response to the Angel and the message brought. Her response was not of trembling doubt, asking for a ‘sign,’ but rather to enquire for further guidance.
Now, put yourself into her place. She has met an angelic being who tells her that she will become pregnant despite being unmarried and that the child would become the King of an everlasting kingdom. The first bombshell would have made her fear for her life – an unmarried mother would have been in great physical danger – and the second would have made her fear for her sanity … if it wasn’t for her great faith. Be honest, I don’t think we would have responded in the way she did. She was correctly chosen for the task.
We too are chosen for tasks, perhaps not quite on the same level. What would our first reaction be when God comes calling? The unbelief of Zachariah, who was struck dumb or the faith of Mary, who became highly favoured in God’s eye? Yet God always provides second chances. Zechariah’s unbelief didn’t deprive him from the blessing of John, the miracle baby. You may fail initially, as Zechariah did, but it’s what you do next that is key.
I enjoyed this observation about Mary. She was chosen for a special task. She was fearful of course, having been espoused to Joseph and pregnant before actually becoming his physical wife. Her resourcefulness in visiting Elizabeth was timely since it was of benefit to her not to stay in her own little community since she was probably ostracized by people. I seriously doubt whether or not they would have stoned her but still she might have had to leave the area in a shameful way.
I do believe each of us has a special part to play in our life. However, few are really looking for answers as to why they are here. What is life all about and what part do we play?