NEXT Foundations conference

FOUNDATIONS 15: God, Israel & the Church will be IN APRIL/MAY 2021 on ZOOM

One comment

  • Barbara Daniels

    Sounds great! I also liked the idea you spoke on last weeks podcast- the pearl of great value, His Kingdom, or His House (that we neglect because we are too occupied with OUR stuff). I have thought a lot about this since your book, Flocked Down. Isn’t He building His Kingdom right now? How should we respond and live out that reality. Where do all fit in as Jews and as Gentiles. I imagine that it is the most beautiful mosaic, so exquisitely breath-taking. What are our functions as citizens? More personally, where do I fit in, what’s my functions, my gifts and services? How should I encourage other citizens of the Kingdom. We don’t talk about these things enough. Yeshua said several times, “The Kingdom of God is at hand”. Very thought provoking and I have a feeling it is a very deep and rich topic to study.
    Thanks for listening to my ramblings. I greatly look forward to Foundations 15. Shalom Shalom! Barbara D., U.S.A.

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