Hashkama: There shall be lies, and Whopping Great Lies!
“When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have set in place” (Psalm 8:3).
“Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding. Who set its measurements? Since you know. Or who stretched the measuring line over it? On what were its bases sunk? Or who laid its cornerstone? When the morning stars sang together And all the sons of God shouted for joy? “Or who enclosed the sea with doors When it went out from the womb, bursting forth; When I made a cloud its garment, And thick darkness its swaddling bands, And I placed boundaries on it And set a bolt and doors, And I said, ‘As far as this point you shall come, but no farther; And here your proud waves shall stop’? “Have you ever given orders to the morning, or shown the dawn its place, so that it would take hold of the ends of the earth, And the wicked would be shaken off from it? It is changed like clay under the seal; And they stand out like a garment. From the wicked their light is withheld, And the upraised arm is broken. Have the gates of death been revealed to you? Have you seen the gates of the shadow of death? Have you surveyed the extent of the earth? Tell Me, if you know all this. Where is the way to the home of light? Do you know where darkness resides,… Surely you know, for you were already born! And the number of your days is great! ….” (Job 38:4ff)
God was addressing Job and in effect all humans, revealing that even after the catastrophe of The Fall, God is still in control. He is on the throne, seated above all dominions and powers. No-one can unseat Him, even though they try. We think we know so much today, even to believing that we can save the world.
Deception is the name of today’s game.
The world does not listen to the Lord’s wisdom, and has cancelled God and His Word. Humankind is exalting itself above the Majestic, All-Powerful God, just as Lucifer did at his fall (Isaiah 14:12-16). The spirit of Antichrist is at work in the world (1 John 4:3) deluding the deluded, and setting the stage for the revealing of the man of sin (2 Thessalonians 2:3). Among the deluded is the anthropogenic brigade. As we discussed in a previous article:
In 1982 (Forty-years ago – 4 decades) the UN was telling the world that it had only a decade to solve global warming or face the consequences. Nature had its way and there has been no global warming since. In 1989, Noel Brown, a senior UN environmental official, claimed that: …entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels if global warming is not reversed by the year 2000. However, nations have appeared rather than disappeared since 1989 (e.g., South Sudan). The prediction was wrong in 1989, it was wrong in 2000, and it is still wrong in 2022. Rahendra Pachauri, former head of UN’s IPPC said in 2007, “If there’s no action before 2012, that’s too late. What we do in the next two or three years will determine our future. This is the defining moment.” In truth, the defining moment keeps changing. Why? Because it’s a scam! Although they do not speak in the name of the Lord, these are false prophets speaking presumptuously. Do not be afraid of them or their fake predictions (Deuteronomy 18:22).
According to a recent paper published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation, UK weather trends have changed very little in recent decades. In fact, if anything, the weather has become less extreme. While very cold winters are now rare, heatwaves have not increased. There have been few droughts in recent decades, but we are not seeing more wet years, wet months, or wet days. That is all in the paper. Will the media report it? Probably not. Also noted in the paper is that storms are not an increasing problem, and extreme winds have been on the decline for 30 years. The GWPF invited the Royal Society and the Met Office to review and submit a response to this paper, to be published as an addendum to it. The invitation was not taken up.
Prince Philip was actually a climate change sceptic. His interest and concern focused on the environment, and he was a long-standing campaigner against ‘the world pollution situation’. While it is correct to say that Prince Philip was deeply concerned with mankind’s threats to the natural world and wildlife: it is correct also to say that he had no time whatever for those who thought that man-made CO2 emissions were the problem here, quite the reverse in fact. It is because of this that he abandoned his work for the powerful World Wildlife Fund, (an organisation that he had actually helped to found, and one should think twice before donating to it), specifically because ‘it switched from its original focus on saving endangered species to relentless campaigning against global warming’. In 2010, the Duke of Edinburgh tried to invite the Australian scientist, Professor Ian Plimer, a climate expert who shows that “‘anthropogenic global warming’ is a dangerous, ruinously expensive fiction, a ‘first-world luxury’ with no basis in scientific fact”, to give the Prince Philip Lecture at the Royal Society of Arts. But the RSA’s chief executive intervened and wrote a letter to Professor Plimer saying that, ‘with great regret’ it was withdrawing the invitation because ‘members of the Royal Family need to be scrupulous in avoiding any appearance of advocating or supporting a particular political stance’. While Prince Philip was prevented from exposing the Climate-Change lie, Princes Charles and William are free to evangelise the lie of Anthropogenic Climate-Change to the world. Someone once said that, “It is interesting that Prince Charles has never been similarly checked in his interminable speechifying about the need for the world to abandon industrialisation, especially in farming, and return to a state of nature which would actually lead to mass starvation. That, apparently, is not a ‘political stance’.” Indeed, both future monarchs are involved in politics as was clearly seen during the recent Platinum Jubilee celebrations, where they gave political speeches on Climate Change. In a letter to Ian Plimer, Prince Philip described wind turbines as “monstrosities” and questioned whether they served any practical purpose. While strict measures were taken to prevent Harry and Meghan from abusing the Jubilee for their own ends, William smilingly took advantage of the situation, using his privileged positions to promote anthropogenic climate-change to all and sundry, and included his father and Prince Philip as supporters. As I have shown, while it is true that Prince Charles would endorse all that William said, Prince Philip vehemently opposed the Climate Change absurdity. The wind of change taking place throughout the world will be catastrophic if it continues blowing with fake science, false predictions and destructive propositions. Climate change is a natural system of its own, and part of the fallen creation that God will eventually bring to an end. Man cannot affect it, change it, or halt it. The Climate-Change gurus such as Sir David Attenborough must surely be aware that it is fake[i], and that they are promoting a lie – Prince Philip knew it was so – but Attenborough was allowed to speak about Climate Change at the Jubilee last weekend. Ridiculous! Even more ridiculous is that he has been awarded a second knighthood, with Prince Charles officiating. “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth” (A law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels). This is a vision of the future and is a reverse of Eden. Things were good until humans disobeyed God, then things became bad. Now things will be bad until Jesus comes. Then they will be infinitely better. (Some extra links are provided in the endnotes[ii])
Because of various circumstances including the war in Ukraine, food shortages and famine are on the horizon, yet the ‘earth-dwellers’ want farmers to stop growing crops, and to let their fields grow uncontrollably wild with brambles and all else. It is rebellion against God’s word to subdue and till the earth (Genesis 1:28) that He spoke before The Fall of humankind, and the consequences after The Fall as expressed in Genesis 3:15-19). The same command to subdue the land was given by God to the Israelites with reference to the land of Canaan, which they left four-hundred years before to go into Egypt escaping famine. God said to Jacob: “The land which I gave to Abraham and Isaac I also give to you, and I will give this land to your descendants after you” (Genesis 35:12). There is even rebellion over this fact. The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it (Psalm 24:1-2). If God chooses to marry a particular people and a particular land together, who can dispute His decision? Those who try to put this arrangement asunder will face the wrath of the Almighty.
More lies
Boris Johnson has been accused of lying to Parliament and to the people of Britain. The fact is that almost every MP is lying and misleading in one way or another; not only are they deceived themselves, but they mislead one another and the entire nation, concerning Climate Change as well as all the other sex and gender satanic nonsense of today. If one is to be kicked out of his job, all the others should quickly follow him. It won’t happen because a lockdown on free-thinking as well as free-speech is in process. Independent thinking and speaking will, it seems, lead to police action against one, and as in China, re-education and imprisonment. Why else would the authorities be making threats to act against dissent?[iii] It is near at hand. MPs are toeing the line in woke and in PC. Just as the people of Babylon constructed the Tower of Babel to glorify themselves, today, as near as, Hell on earth is rising up under Godless human endeavour.
God bless you and keep you.
Blessings and shalom
Malcolm [08.06.2022]
[i] https://cornwallalliance.org/2019/01/david-attenboroughs-epic-gaffe-on-global-warming/ See also: https://polarbearscience.com/2020/01/27/attenboroughs-arctic-betrayal-new-video-reveals-that-terrorizing-young-children-about-climate-began-with-polar-bears/
[ii] https://skepticalscience.com/ice-age-predictions-in-1970s-intermediate.htm and see some failed climate predictions: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2017/10/30/some-failed-climate-predictions/
[iii] https://savebritain.org/woke-uk-police-force-proudly-displays-pride-flag-vows-to-closely-monitor-hate-speech/
Jesus was on the boat with his deciples, and a great storm arose. His deciples feared for their lives, and went and awakened Jesus. Jesus only had to say, ” peace be still ,” and it calmed the storm. All were amazed and wondered what kind of man was this that even the wind and the sea obeyed Him. He is still the same Jesus, and the wind, the sea etc. still obey Him. God is in charge still today, and His will will be done in spite of mens attemps to control things.